Application Form Redacted

Showing comments and forms 1 to 30 of 1416


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 5

Received: 12/06/2024

Respondent: 18

Representation Summary:

Building the western link will be a disaster for the Wensum Valley and for the people of Norfolk. The rare barbastelle bats will be decimated. The nature in the valley will be destroyed. People will no longer be able to enjoy this beautiful, unique, and amazingly diverse countryside. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. No mitigation would ever be able to replace it. It will not reduce traffic- it has been proven that more new roads being built just encourages more people into their cars. New roads always fill up with traffic, and people will still use Costessey roads as a 'rat run'. Building this road completely goes against NCC's net zero policy. This road is devastating for Norfolk - so much money has already been wasted on a road that will not receive a licence from Natural England- money that would have benefitted so many citizens through social care, mental health care (Norfolk has the worst mental health care in the country), children's services, & investment in public transport.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 6

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 20

Representation Summary:

Please get the last bit of the NDT built. It has a serious impact on travel around the western side of Norwich. Currently the impact of travel through cotessey and ringland is ridiculous. This section should have been completed with the rest of the road.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 7

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 19

Representation Summary:

It is essential that this road is built. Those who live south of Norwich have to use country lanes via Costessey or Ringland to travel North and the volume of traffic on these routes is appalling. Cars are often stationary at the end of Longwater Lane for the traffic calming and passing schools and pedestrians. Ringland is impassable in several places by 2 lanes. With recent flooding, both of these routes were closed at the same time providing no route to NDR unless joining heavy traffic heading into Norwich or miles via A47 link and adding unnecessary to city congestion. Those who dispute the build of this road do not live locally or need to use these routes clearly! Roads do cause disruption sadly, however they are a necessity for moden life and travel!


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 8

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 21

Representation Summary:

The link road is very much needed. Currently the smaller roads in between the northern link road and the A47 are rat runs with heavy traffic, this will only keep increasing. The sooner a link road can be built it will take the pressure off the rat runs.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 9

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 22

Representation Summary:

The link road is absolutely essential especially now Broadland Council have approved the plans for 1500 homes in Taverham by Marriotts way. I imagine there will be a huge destruction of wildlife habitat and pollution the building works will create. So where are the people objecting to this?

You can’t have it both ways if you want housing you need a suitable highway infrastructure, the link will provide this taking the level of existing and new traffic away from the areas currently overwhelmed. Or you can oppose it and sit in endless traffic as the additional 3000 cars which will come with the housing estate use the existing, unsuitable routes through Ringland / Costessey / low road / Drayton / Lenwade etc. It is just awful seeing how congested with traffic these little villages are. I think the objectors should look at the broader picture then maybe hang their heads in shame.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 10

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 23

Representation Summary:

As a (redacted) this road would be beneficial to use to get to a47 instead of using hellesdon low road or ringland both of which are not suitable for a 9 seater minibus


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 11

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 24

Representation Summary:

Flitting across Ringland Jules notices all the links between his wing flaps and the woodland. When he's locked in like this it would be overwhelming to most but Jules has mint senses and loves getting battered by the sound and smells of a place him and others have known for yonks.

Jules snaffles up some buzzing protein snacks and passes on untroubled by nowt coz the young ones on two legs decided not to muck things up.

In all seriousness though the western link road seems to reek of a lack of imagination. I reckon we can do better... What follows is a pretty well made argument chanted by many humans round here about why we should engage our collective creativity and not make another road...

Central Government has only promised £213m so Norfolk Taxpayers are on the hook for at least £60m while the county's essential services are being cut to plug a budget deficit of £60m.

It won't solve traffic problems in the long term. Norfolk County Council predict that traffic on Sandy Lane (Taverham), West End (Costessey) and Longwater Lane will increase compared with 2019.
Nor will it reduce ambulance response times - hospital handover waits are the problem.

Carbon Emissions
Building new roads increases CO2 emissions. Huge amounts of carbon are used in construction and more roads = more traffic. We can't build new roads in a climate emergency.

The Wensum Valley is a rich patchwork of habitats including ancient woodland and a rare chalk stream. It is home to more than 60 protected species. There is no way to build a new road across the Valley without destroying it's unique ecology.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 12

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 25

Representation Summary:

Happy to support scheme, I accept that it will have some environmental impacts but also with the ever growing population and also being a taverham resident where we are always blocked in with flooding, road closures and all, this is vitally needed.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 13

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 26

Representation Summary:

Completing the distributer route will take the pressure off the little villages around the north west of Norwich and remove the need for rat runs. Norwich has needed this link since the installation of the NDR and it will significantly help reduce pollution around the outer lying communities.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 14

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 27

Representation Summary:

As a Taverham resident, I fully support the building of the NDR to alleviate unnecessary levels of traffic on roads that are unsuitable - Ringlnad Hills and Old Costessey in particular.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 15

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 28

Representation Summary:

I live in Drayton so see for myself the rat runs that the missing link road has created.Ringland & Taverham Mill roads are known as the unofficial NDR and the traffic is constant. I regularly travel to Downham Market and the official road past Royal Norwich GC is a nightmare - I won’t use it as the turn onto the A47 I consider an accident waiting to happen. If you live, work, or drive in the area you desperately want this road to go ahead and nature will adapt, look at the rest of the NDR - nature has taken over the corridors each side of the dual carriageway. When the NDR goes ahead the impact on villages like Costessey, Taverham, Lenwade and a Swanton Morley will be tremendous and will bring back village life as it should be.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 16

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 29

Representation Summary:

The western link to the NDR must be built. The benefits to people living in the north west of Norwich will be immense. To get to the A47 west of Norwich from where we live in Felthorpe is a nightmare. I regularly biked to work from Felthorpe to Bowthorpe through Taverham and Costessey. I was knocked off my bicycle once and forced off the road on numerous occasions. This forced me to go back to using my car. If the western link was built it would reduce the amount of cars going through Taverham and Costessey making it more friendly to cyclists. Please build the road.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 17

Received: 13/06/2024

Respondent: 30

Representation Summary:

I believe the Western link must be built to save the surrounding villages from becoming rat runs and endangering life. For those living to the North of Norwich it is vital to have easy access to the South of Norwich for example work, seeing family and a quick route to the hospital. I hope the views of local residents to whom it concerns should be listened to and not those who jump on the eco bandwagon and live at the other end of the country!


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 18

Received: 12/06/2024

Respondent: 37

Representation Summary:

I wish to protest In the strongest possible way at your proposal to build this enormous white elephant . It will do nothing to help rat running and just create a new inner zone Northof the city to be then filled with Burger King Drive ins and Costas on every roundabout and new build cramped and expensive housing estates . This is not progress it is fundamentally flawed based on the premise that developers can make the local economy more robust . None of the existing development on the route of the existing bypass has good public transport links . Bus services North of the city are abysmal forcing more and more commuters in to cars . Reducing Traffic congestion . What a joke . The carbon footprint building the road is enormous and its use even more so. As for the destruction of one of the most important chalk stream habitats in Europe and the colossal destruction of bat colonies whoever developed this scheme obviously has absolutely no idea how important the Wensum Valley is for the ecosystem and the people who live in it . Mitigation of natural destruction is not one of the strong points of the County Council or its contractors . Witness thousands of dead saplings on the existing bypass . Which certainly do not replicate a habit of ancient trees established woodlands and river banks .
I live in South Norfolk in the Waveney Valley and my road is d sad inject to rat running by local traffic . The solution is not to build more roads but get people on to buses and out of cars .
On a final note Norfolk residents are already deeply suspicious of the tendering process with the same companies popping up to do the work time and again . And if you think Drive in McDonald’s are the future for Norfolk when people come on Holiday to get away from Urban sprawl then you are on the wrong side of history.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 19

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 39

Representation Summary:

As a Norfolk citizen and regular commuter, and school run driver, around the Norwich and South Norfolk area, I do not wish to have this level of environmental destruction in my name. Greater investment in effective public transport must be the answer.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 20

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 38

Representation Summary:

The proposed route of the Western Link is wholly unsuitable and will result in irreversible damage to a massive amount of delicate ecosystem. There has been considerable coverage of the decline of the countryside in this country, and the massive decline of native species and biodiversity, putting the countryside of this country in grave danger. The proposed route seems to disregard this entirely and appears to have been forced through almost as if it is to antagonise those of us who care about this. The mitigation proposed will not go anywhere near remedying the damage caused.
There are several alternative routes available, yet the council will not even look at these, preferring instead to try and destroy a vital habitat, as if they are trying to prove a point.
We are at a crossroads ecologically, and this road is yet another straw that will break the camel’s back.
This route must be rejected for the good of nature, the county and the people, and another, less damaging route be found.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 21

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 40

Representation Summary:

I am writing to express my objections to the proposed Western Link Road. My objections are:
* The significant risk of environmental damage to an internationally significant environment - Chalk stream.
* Potential destruction of and damage to the habitat of the legally protected bat population.
* The increase in pollution brought to the area by the vehicles using this road.
* Lack of clarity on how mitigations will be put in place to prevent environmental damage and destruction of habitats.
* The staggering cost, which I believe would be better invested in public transport to reduce the number of cars on Norfolk roads rather than increase the number.
* Lack of clarity from NCC on the impact this road on the environment.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 22

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 41

Representation Summary:

Firstly, this appears to be a colossal waste of money to just save 5 minutes journey time; it is also a habitat that should be protected rather than torn up and the money would be better spent investing in public transport and making cycling in Norfolk actually safe.

Additionally, it is unclear from the reams of documents whether feedback from local residents affected by proposed road restrictions have been addressed - the people of Barnham Broom are going to have their direct access to Wymondham cut off, forcing us to use a much longer route, or a single track route that is usually more mud than tarmac, and is also further.

The restriction of access to Wymondham along Barnham Broom road at all times will add traveling time for visiting Wymondham for shopping, visit the GP and pharmacy, and to care for my elderly mother, add journey times and therefore costs for school buses for Wymondham High academy and taxis arranged by the travel and transport team, and will put off visitors to the business on that road who will be unsure whether they have legitimate use of that road.

Why not permit users whose vehicles are registered in affected villages like Colton and Barnham Broom, and those registered in Wymondham too, to have unrestricted access to this road, or simply restrict access at rush hour rather than making it a blanket one size cudgels all approach? You are trying to stop people cutting through Barnham Broom and Wymondham to the A11, but are punishing the locals in the process.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 23

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 48

Representation Summary:

This scheme is a complete and irresponsible waste of tax-payers money. There are clearly huge concerns about this scheme from local residents and grave concerns about the damage this scheme will cause to our fragile save five minutes on a journey. It is a huge dereliction of duty on behalf of the council to continue to attempt to push through this unwanted road. Millions of pounds have undoubtedly been spent already, which could have been used elsewhere to stem the cutting of essential public services. (Redacted)
I disagree with this scheme for Environmental concerns, moral and ethical reasons and the excessive amount of money that will be better spent elsewhere.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 24

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 49

Representation Summary:

Bats (ask Natural England)
Environmental destruction (please don't say "mitigation" which is rubbish)
Financial risk to NCC
Complete lack of imagination in solving transport requirements
Climate crisis


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 25

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 50

Representation Summary:

I object to this application due to the massive amount of reasons which make it unviable.
The Norwich Western Link will provide no relief at all for traffic at Longwater or Queen’s Hills. In fact, the traffic using the link will contribute to congestion at pinch-points on the A1270 Broadland Northway (the ‘NDR’) – including the Horsford, Airport, North Walsham and Wroxham junctions.
Following claims by a local MP and others who said that the Norwich Western Link would save up to 20 minutes in emergency response times, SWL asked East of England Ambulance Service Trust for the data. They responded: “It is likely that blue light journeys will remain unchanged as there is less impact from traffic congestion.”Which makes complete sense - especially when Norfolk County Council figures for time saved on many journeys, by even the average motorist, who don't tend to have flashing lights and sirens, is around 5 minutes.
The project will have a massive impact on the environment, for a very marginal gain, if any gain. We must decrease vehicle dependency in order to have any chance of complying with our own laws. New roads will not help. Loss of mature woodland and biodiversity will also increase pollution rather than helping to reduce it. The money should be invested into public transport to get make it more accessible and effective to the population, which will do a better job or reducing congestion than building more roads. The costs of this project are already spiraling, and will only get worse.
On top of this, the Wensum valley is a rare chalk stream habitat. The proposed road will run through a super colony of barbastelle bats, and skirt close by maternity roosts, doing irreparable damage. The Wensum valley contains numerous other endangered species. Is it worth destroying these habitats for the sake of millions of pounds of taxpayer money and a road section of little benefit?
A large numebr of organisations, charities, and individuals are against this project.
It is time for change. We cannot keep proceeding in the same way as the past. We need to act quickly to protect and ensure the longevity of ourselves, our surroundings, and our planet.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 26

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 53

Representation Summary:

This road is absolutely unnecessary and would provide zero benefit to anyone. I frequently drive throughout Norfolk and can honestly say that the existing roads in the area proposed in this plan are sufficient without the need to build another one. There are far more important things to spend our money on.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 27

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 54

Representation Summary:

Fully support improving transport flows across Norfolk - it will benefit economic growth - and ultimately ensure a wetland space below the highway stays as a wetland. Agree care should be taken during construction but wildlife will return to disrupted areas with the benefit of not being in danger of cross roads.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 28

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 52

Representation Summary:

I would like to see the last part of the western link completed. Travel around the western side of Norwich is greatly impacted by the road being unfinished. The impact on traffic in Costessey, Taverham, Drayton and ringland is significant. The roads in old Costessey are not designed for the volume of traffic that use them as a rat run. The final section of the western link should have been completed with the rest of the road.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 29

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 55

Representation Summary:

Building the western link through a triple SSI site a place protected by law, this road hopefully will not receive a licence from Natural England, how stupid can the council be all these thoughtless councilors think about is destroying things, not preserving the natural beauty of the area they should be ashamed of even thinking about destroying the Wensum Valley like this along with the wildlife rare barbastelle bats, trees and everything else in the area it will be a disaster for the people of Norfolk, so what if it takes 15 minutes' of the journey, if rat running is a problem stick a few speed cameras up drop the speed limit to 20 MPH and fine all the people speeding then put up more speed cameras with the money from the speeding idiots, that should stop the rat running in the Costessey, ringland area. No mitigation would ever replace the destruction the stupid council want to do, I hope they have a guilty conscience about destroying the Wensum Valley, it's also against NCC's own net zero policy. This road is devastating for Norfolk, so much money has already been wasted on this road. 😢😢😢😢 SO STOP THE WENSUM LINK.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 30

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 57

Representation Summary:

I strongly support the western link. The roads and infrastructure around this part of Norwich are no longer fit for purpose or suitable for the level of vehicles now on the road. All roads and routes were flooded for large periods throughout the winter which causes a larger backlog of traffic and massive inconvenience for anyone who regularly travels. This is only going to get worse as further houses are built and the local population grows. All of these routes are smaller country lanes and the only option for people from north of the city to “rat run” through if they wish to travel on the A47 or A11. Although there will of course be negative impacts on the environment, I strongly believe the positives heavily outweigh this and building this road is imperative for local residents and business to thrive.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 31

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 59

Representation Summary:

The final part of the NDR is desperately needed to ease congestion in the local villages.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 32

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 58

Representation Summary:

It is essential that the road is completed. As a resident of Taverham I have seen a huge increase in rat running between the A47 and the NDR. The local residents spend a long time sitting at junctions waiting for a gap in the traffic to pull out onto Beech Avenue and Sandy Lane which is causing more pollution. The problems with flooding on these routes and road works on the roads to Costessey and Ringland make the completion of this road even more important.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 33

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 60

Representation Summary:

There are environmental impacts whether completing or not completing the link, e.g. carbon use currently from getting to/from the northern Broads to The North. With imaginative, robust and properly monitored mitigation I believe impacts can be acceptably mitigated. This should not preclude better public transport though, one should not be at the expense of the other.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 34

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 56

Representation Summary:

Will any of our views really matter? We were asked for our opinion on the best route option back in 2018 but the most favourable route was ignored and NCC went with what they wanted, irrespective of the public opinion.

NCC have ignored concerns from professional organisations advising of the environmental implications and then throw their toys out the pram when Natural England refuse a licence.

The money could be better spent on improving the existing routes with proper traffic management and spending on vital services which desperately need funding.

And when these statements are used that residents that are blighted by rat running desperately want this road, it’s not accurate as I live in one of these villages affected and I don’t want this road.