
Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 5

Received: 12/06/2024

Respondent: 18

Representation Summary:

Building the western link will be a disaster for the Wensum Valley and for the people of Norfolk. The rare barbastelle bats will be decimated. The nature in the valley will be destroyed. People will no longer be able to enjoy this beautiful, unique, and amazingly diverse countryside. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. No mitigation would ever be able to replace it. It will not reduce traffic- it has been proven that more new roads being built just encourages more people into their cars. New roads always fill up with traffic, and people will still use Costessey roads as a 'rat run'. Building this road completely goes against NCC's net zero policy. This road is devastating for Norfolk - so much money has already been wasted on a road that will not receive a licence from Natural England- money that would have benefitted so many citizens through social care, mental health care (Norfolk has the worst mental health care in the country), children's services, & investment in public transport.