Application Form Redacted

Showing comments and forms 1411 to 1440 of 1745


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1417

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1448

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Once you take away the habitats there is no going back. It's not just the loss of habitat though, many species in the area would still be using the area for years and end uo kilked on tge roads further damaging oopulations.
Already damaged so much of our natural environment we should be looking to improve the roads we have, not damaging our beautiful environment

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1418

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1449

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Mtmy concerns are the threat to the bat population in the area, the destruction of an invaluable wildlife area and the impact on the local environment. To build a road right through the heart of this important wildlife area is destructive and will permanently alter the area.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1419

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1450

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

This is outrageous! Are you aware that this area is the most important site in the whole country for the Barbastelle Bat? Building this road would also harm other species and habitats including rare birds such as yellowhammer and linnet, numerous beetles and mayflies species, and important habitats like ancient woodlands, rare chalk rivers, grasslands, and wetlands.

These habitats are all well connected and are the heart of this major wildlife corridor. Please stop this now.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1420

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1451

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Descimating yet even more of the countryside instead of improving public transport facilities.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1421

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1452

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Norfolk County Council must get themselves into the 21st century and realise that we CANNOT keep destroying the natural world. So many protected sites would be affected by the road that it really beggars belief that this application is even being considered, given that it is accepted that nature is in crisis. Mitigation does not work. The habitats have taken centuries to evolve and they cannot be replaced in a year. To destroy protected habitats would set a precedent for further destruction of such sites. NCC must NOT be allowed to set this precedent. If this road goes ahead we might as well say 'forget nature, we'll concrete over the whole country.'

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature must be put at the heart of important decision-making.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1422

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 816

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

This appears to be a project where the vanity of County Councillors is forcing a project with poor economic justification, significant risks to the financial stability of the Council, and serious issues related to biodiversity. The Council needs to go back to the drawing board and consider alternatives which are more economically and environmentally literate before wasting so much money on a project which is likely to be rejected through opposition from official bodies

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1423

Received: 03/07/2024

Respondent: 1453

Representation Summary:

I am in support of the completion of the Western link. The local villages, especially Ringland art being used like rat runs and can’t cope with the amount of traffic. It makes complete ease to join up the missing link.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1424

Received: 03/07/2024

Respondent: 1454

Representation Summary:

I support this application as we live on the Ringland/Taverham rat run which I fear will only get worse due to the amount of proposed housing developments in the local area.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1425

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1455

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

I agree with everything said in your video. It is a disgraceful proposal

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1426

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1456

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

We must be investing in ways to protect our environment. Destroying natural habitats is unacceptable.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1427

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1457

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

We keep destroying our ecosystem with more building of unnecessary roads. Wildlife needs good safe habitation to survive, we need a good ecosystem to survive, which wildlife provides- why destroy more of wildlife

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1428

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1458

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Plans will destroy habitat for protected species, deplete nature/ biodiversity further & lead to further development alongside the road- as happened alongside a34 near Newbury.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1429

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1460

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

We need to be reversing the damage to the environment, not increasing it. A road destroying habit and bats should not be permitted

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1430

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1459

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

The impact of the proposal appears to be massively negative on environmental grounds.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1431

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1461

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 . The second paragraph is my own addition to the powerful argument below.

Like many people who live beyond Norfolk's borders, I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Norfolk is still one of the least environmentally spoilt counties in England. This road will be hugely damaging to local, and national, nature resources and to our collective attempts to mitigate the effects of climate change. Approval of it would be an act of staggeringly myopic and anachronistic self-destruction.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting to this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1432

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1462

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1433

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1463

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

We need to protect wildlife and preserve habitats.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1434

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1464

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

There's no amount of mitigation or compensation that is proportionate to the impacts this development will have. AVOIDANCE in the first place. Plan around the roost. Can't afford anymore losses due to road projects.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1435

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1465

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Protect the bats.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1436

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1466

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

The destruction of wildlife habitat and nature far outweighs any need or benefit of the proposed road.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1437

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1467

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

The endless degradation of our wonderful countryside has to stop.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1438

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1468

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Unnecessary negativity impact on wildlife

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1439

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1469

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Vital habitat will be lost for ever decreasing species

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1440

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1470

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

I am very concerned that irreplaceable habitats for rare and protected species will be destroyed. Norfolk has always been hailed as one of the few counties that really value their rural landscape and wildlife, and yet this will fly in the gave of that. Rare bats will be killed, their habitat destroyed. Birds that are already in decline will lose more habitat, contributing to further decline. The road will encourage people off of public transport and into their cars. This will increase carbon footprint and fly in the gave of government commitments.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1441

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1471

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Whilst the road would benefit me I would rather be slightly inconvenienced and retain this precious habitat

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1442

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1472

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

It's unnecessary destruction of protected species' and an already at risk environment.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1443

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1473

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

I am dumbfounded to think that this has been submitted to planning. If this plan were to go ahead it will devastate the landscape, the richness and diversity of wildlife and fauna. Higher car emissions and road noise will have a a massive impact on surrounding nature. There will be more animal collisions due to their need or behaviour patterns to get to their source of food or breeding areas. As it is I see enough dead animals on the roads we have already. All the work involved to protect these animals and environments which has taken years to achieve will be undone and species will decline or vanish. Protected species and their environment should be protected and remain protected as there are reasons for this and considerations for any planning should take this into account and avoid such areas. I agree this is a no go and will destroy an area of outstanding beauty and be disastrous to all nature.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1444

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1474

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1445

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1475

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

I live locally and this area is a huge asset to the region that would be destroyed by the proposed development. We must protect it.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 1446

Received: 30/06/2024

Respondent: 1476

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

We need to restore nature not destroy it. Our own survival depends on making sustainable decisions now before it is too late

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.