Norwich Western Link

Ends on 19 August 2024 (48 days remaining)
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Please click the large comment button below to have your say on this consultation.

Planning Application: FUL/2024/0022

This page is solely for viewing the details and documents related to the above application.

The consultation period will now run until Monday 19th August 2024

To comment on the documents associated with this planning application please click the large comment button below. To view all of the responses submitted by third parties to date please click the large view comments button below. Statutory Consultee responses will be listed under the Documents Tab and the heading Consultee Responses.

If you would prefer to send your representation by email please send this to and quote application reference FUL/2024/0022.

Document Index

1 Planning Application and Forms

2 Plans and Drawings

3 Environmental Statement

4 Other Reports and Documents

5 Consultation Report

6 Air Quality Compensation Strategy

Consultee Responses


Committee Report


Reports and Documents Superseded

Plans and Drawings Superseded

Application Number


Application Type

Full Application (Regulation 3)


Land between the A1270 Broadland Northway near Ringland and the A47 near Honningham


Development of approximately 6km of the Norwich Western Link Road connecting the A1067 (Fakenham Road) with the new A47 North Tuddenham to Easton scheme (being developed by National Highways), including the construction of a new roundabout junction with the A1067 Fakenham Road, improvements to the A1067 Fakenham Road and the roundabout junction with the A1270 Broadland Northway. Structures include a new viaduct carrying the Norwich Western Link over the River Wensum, a new underpass at Ringland Lane, the provision of a green bridge carrying the Broadway over the Norwich Western Link, three further green bridges, wildlife crossings, and culverting of a tributary to the River Tud. Related works include the stopping up, diversion, improvement and provision of side roads, new walking cycling and horse-riding provision, the stopping up, replacement and provision of new private means of access, and ancillary landscaping, ecological mitigation, surface water drainage system, flood compensation, bunds, other environmental mitigation, diversion and protection of apparatus and temporary works to facilitate construction, and the change of use of the premises known as Low Farm as offices (class E), and other ancillary works.



Applicant’s Name

Highways Team – Norfolk County Council

Applicant’s Address

County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH

Agents' Name

Mr Ralph Lewis

Agents Address

70 Chancery Lane

Valid Date

7th June 2024

Consultation Expiry Date

19th August 2024


Not Decided

Decision Date







Morton on the Hill

Weston Longville



East Tuddenham

Electoral Division(s)

Elmham and Mattishall






Constraint Description

Wensum Flood Warning Area

Groundwater Vulnerability Area

Deighton Hills Historic Landfill Site

Main River

Flood Zone 2

Flood Zone 3

Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3

Groundwater Source Protection Zone 2

Eastern Water Management Area

Pond Farm Barn (Grade II Listed)

Barn 50m Northwest of Low Farmn House (Grade II Listed)

Round Barrow SE of the Lodges (Scheduled Ancient Monument)

Major Hazard Site (ID: H0649)

Agricultural Land Grade 2

Agricultural Land Grade 3

Agricultural Land Grade 4

Agricultural Land Non-Agricultural

Primrose Grove Ancient Woodland (Ancient Replanted Woodland)

Church Common (ID: CL228)

Low Common and land in front of Swann Inn (ID: CL229)

River Wensum (Site of Special Scientific Interest)

River Wensum (Special Conservation Area)

Site of Special Scientific Interest Impact Risk Zone

Bacton to Roudham Heath National Grid Gas Pipe

Norwich Airport Safeguarding Zone

Primrose Grove County Wildlife Site

Gravel Pit Plantation & Church Hill County Wildlife Site

Land Adjoining Foxburrow Plantation County Wildlife Site

River Wensum Pastures County Wildlife Site

Boom & Spring Hills County Wildlife Site

Wensum Pastures at Morton Hall County Wildlife Site

Church Hill Common County Wildlife Site

Attlebrige Hills County Wildlife Site

Inspected Tree Groups

Felthorpe Airport Safeguarding Zone

Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board

Core River Valley

Attlebridge Restricted Byway Public Right of Way (RB3)

Ringland Footpath Public Right of Way (FP2)

Weston Longville Footpath Public Right of Way (FP7)

Weston Longville Footpath Public Right of Way (FP9)

Ringland Footpath Public Right of Way (FP1)

Ringland Footpath Public Right of Way (FP3)

Weston Longville Footpath Public Right of Way (FP3)

Ringland Footpath Public Right of Way (FP4)

Honingham Restricted Byway Public Right of Way (RB1)

Ringland Footpath Public Right of Way (FP1)

Weston Longville Footpath Public Right of Way (FP1)

Ringland Footpath Public Right of Way (FP1)

Weston Longville Footpath Public Right of Way (FP8)

Honingham Footpath Public Right of Way (FP5)

Ringland Footpath Public Right of Way (FP1)

Ringland Footpath Public Right of Way (FP2)

Attlebridge Footpath Public Right of Way (FP5)

Attlebridge Restricted Byway Public Right of Way (RB4)

Attlebridge Bridleway Public Right of Way (BR6)

Fakenham Road Roadside Nature Reserve (Hoary Mullein)

A47/38 East Tuddenham to Easton Trunk Road (C571 to opp. C167)

A47/38 East Tuddenham to Honningham Roundabout Junction Barnham Broom Trunk Road (C539)

NCC - Highway Authority

NCC - Lead Local Flood Authority

NCC - Planning Policy

NCC - Historic Environment Strategy and Advice

NCC - Community and Environmental Services - Resilience Team

NCC - Natural Environment Team - Ecology

NCC - Natural Environment Team - Arboriculture

NCC - Natural Environment Team - Landscape

NCC - Countryside Access (PRoW)

NCC - Sustainability Team

NCC - Public Health Norfolk

NCC - Economic Development

NCC - Gypsy and Roma Traveller Service

Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service

Broadland District Council Planning

Broadland District Council Environmental Quality Team

Breckland District Council Planning

Breckland District Council Protection

Norwich Airport

Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Broad (IDB)/Water Management Alliance (WMA)

National Highways

Environment Agency

Natural England

Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Friends of the Earth

National Farmers Union

The Open Spaces Society

Woodland Trust

Forestry Commission


The Ramblers Association

Active Travel England


Norfolk Rivers Trust

Canal and River Trust

Historic England

Anglian Water

Health and Safety Executive

UK Power Networks

National Grid

British Pipeline Agency

National Gas


National Planning Casework Unit

Norfolk Police

Honingham Parish Council

Weston Longville Parish Council

Morton on the Hill Parish Meeting

Ringland Parish Council

Attlebridge Parish Meeting

East Tuddenham Parish Council

Taverham Parish Council

Easton Parish Council

Hockering Parish Council

Lyng Parish Council

Felthorpe Parish Council

Costessey Town Council

Great Witchingham Parish Council

Swannington With Alderford & Little Witchingham Parish Council

Marlingford & Colton Parish Council

Barnham Broom Parish Council

Brandon Parva, Coston, Runhall & Welborne Parish Council

Mattishall Parish Council

Elmham & Mattishall - Cllr Bill Borrett

Reepham - Cllr Greg Peck

Drayton & Horsford - Cllr Anthony Adams

Taverham - Cllr Stuart Clancy

Costessey - Cllr Sharon Blundell

Hingham - Cllr Margaret Dewsbury

Appeal Reference


Planning Inspectorate Reference


Appeal Method


Inspectorate Start Date


Inquiry Hearing Date


Inquiry Hearing Venue


Appeal Decision


Appeal Decision Date


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