Application Form Redacted

Showing comments and forms 91 to 120 of 1745


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 96

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 130

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
It will cause pollution via usual car problems, tyres etc. Which will affect the wildlife etc. Also destroy a rare bat colony, which is supposed to be protected. England has had a huge amount of nature lost, (It’s a place I can walk or cycle to, which is important for my health.) we’re the most nature deprived place. in Europe.
The plants and green area absorbs heat and rain and gives out oxygen.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 97

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 131

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
The proposed link will damage rare and precious local nature habitats for very little benefit at all
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 98

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 132

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
Affecting every aspect of wildlife, landscape and climate.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 99

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 133

Representation Summary:

To whom it may concern,
Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
I live in [Redacted], they are building everywhere, it’s destroying habitats and wildlife homes, all for the sake of profit, very sad 😔
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 100

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 134

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

The Wensum is a chalk stream (rare globally), and the Wensum valley is home to a number of rare species.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 101

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 135

Representation Summary:

I would like to support the above project,

I believe this will ease traffic congestion, improve traffic flow and so lower pollution.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 102

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 136

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

The proposed road would have a huge impact on habitats for nature and wildlife, including the legally protected barbastelle bat. It is incredible short sighted and unnecessary in a time of climate crisis, when we should be protecting and supporting our natural environment.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 103

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 137

Representation Summary:

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
The development of this road will be catastrophic for wildlife and natural habitats, which are already under so much strain and threat from extinction. As a local resident, I have seen the natural beauty of this area with my own eyes and find the thought of it being oblierated by a dual carriageway absolutely heartbreaking. Recognising that we share this planet with other animal and plant species, which are all vital for our ecosystem and life on this planet, has never been more vital. Instead of ploughing ahead with further developments that have absolutely no consideration or care for non-human life and that fail to follow the expert guidance from organisations like the Wildlife Trust, we need to be moving towards a sustainable future, with improved public transport and better provision of cycle routes. The solutions are blindingly obvious and I wholeheartedly believe that the pursual of this project by the County Council is a result of ignorance and greed. They are completely lacking in foresight and planning for ours and our childrens futures. I am also concerned that the development will plough through access to our already depleted public rights of way - access to well maintained footpaths is incredibly poor across Norfolk and opportunities to spend quality time in nature is vital for our health and wellbeing - this road would only further reduce those opportunities.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 104

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 138

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

This project will destroy rare ancient woodland and veteran trees, an action that cannot be mitigated as it will take centuries to replace. A super-colony of the protected Barbastelle bats will be destroyed, again an action that cannot be mitigated due to their reliance on particularly mature woodland. Other wildlife will be disturbed and fragmented by the works, and very likely harmed as a result. In a time of nature depletion and climate emergency, this is a short-sighted and irresponsible plan that will destroy an essential wildlife corridor in Norfolk. NCC must listen to the evidence of scientists and wildlife groups who have made a strong case against this development. To proceed will be inexcusable and unforgivable, causing damage that can never be repaired.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 105

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 139

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

It will effect the unique biodiversity of this important wildlife area. Bats are a protected species so it won't only have a massive negative impact on the barbestelles but all other bats that call that area home. If the road goes ahead, so many animals will lose their home and with it having such a negative impact the environment in this area will never recover from this and an important area for endangered species will be lost forever

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 106

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 140

Representation Summary:

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
There is already enough major roads put in through established wildlife habitats in Norfolk, & particularly around outer Norwich.
There's no need for this extension, the Barbastelle BATS who live in this pocket of natural habitat it has everything these bats need to survive & thrive along with other important species of mammals & fauna, it's totally ridiculous that Norfolk County Council are wanting to ruin this perfect habitat to build an unnecessary road, they haven't listened to or taken notice of any of the statements by local & national wildlife groups, & it seems they've run roughshod over any scientific studies explaining why NCC shouldn't give permission for this totally unnecessary road.
So Norfolk County Council, DO NOT give any permission for this road, there's already enough concrete jungles you've given permission for that have ruined the wildlife in various parts of Norfolk, some habitats can't be replaced & this is one of them, the bats have no where to go.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 107

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 142

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
It will be absolutely devastating to the natural environment of Norfolk and its special entities. At a time when environmental degradation is at an all time high, these massive infrastructure projects are not truly necessary. Norwich could be pioneering ecological saviour and a model for the UK if the council adapts how they approach such projects.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 108

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 141

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link.

The plans show that the road will destroy a large and beautiful area that supports rare and vulnerable plants and animals. Wildlife affected includes the legally protected barbastelle bat, for which the area is the most important site in the whole country. There are ancient trees and woodlands that are hundreds of years old and cannot be replicated.

The River Wensum is home to many species, including a number that are endangered. The devastation of the critical corridor for nature cannot be mitigated.

I believe that in this age of climate emergency the Council can come up with a far better, greener, more inclusive solution to protect diversity of plants and animals, which also benefits humans. We are all part of the same ecosystem.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 109

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 144

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
The destruction of this wonderful habitat at such an important time for our climate.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 110

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 143

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

This road would be devastating for wildlife that needs to be cared for and protected, not threatened and endangered. A road will make daily life and survival much harder for many species, from various birds to badgers and bats. Surely we've learnt by now how important the natural environment is and how interconnected everything is - including us humans. We don't have to put their survival at risk. Don't build the road.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 111

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 145

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
Building a road through the beautiful and tranquil Wensum Valley would:
- destroy ancient woodland which has taken centuries to develop.
- decimate a network of biodiversity, from lichens, bugs and beetles, to bats, owls and badgers.
- pollute the Rivers Tud and Wensum.
- generate significant carbon emissions in its construction at a time when we asa country are obligated to reduce and eradicate these urgently.
- generate a significant increase in carbon emissions from increased road use.
- divert council funds from much-needed essential services - cuts are currently forecast in the region of £52.2m - such as how much disabled and vulnerable people have to pay for care.
We desperately need to protect what little wildlife and habitat that we have left.
We need to prioritise the natural world over building/tunneling/dredging etc.
In particular, we need to prioritise green transport and energy solutions over more road building, which is a 1950s answer to a 21st century problem.
Our natural systems are all joined up, and we need to see the bigger picture: the massive erosion of the natural world is affected by our daily actions and misguided priorities in transport, agriculture, energy provision, and the erosion of our natural world contributes, as these actions do, to climate change, which is potentially catastrophic for all of us.
The county council need to ditch plans for this ecocide road and explore 21st century alternatives. For all our sakes.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 112

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 146

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

The road will majorly harm wildlife including rare species.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 113

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 148

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
Hello, I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
This is of great concern to many people, but really demonstrates how yet again the Local Councils and developers are out of touch with the importance of nature and only de-value it. When will they learn? No amount of mitigation will make up for the loss and destruction of this vital habitat. I this modern time, the emphasis and importance should be given to preserving all the nature we have left. Any idea of road building through such a beautiful and biodiverse habitat should be binned. It is just so wrong to even consider such a development, when the money could be better spent of different solutions. Please DO NOT build this road, it would be a massive injustice to people, wildlife and the planet.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 114

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 149

Representation Summary:

Vested interests, political ideology and the urge to throw good money after bad may well mean that the Western Link gets built. If that happens, I will be guiltily grateful every time I drive to the hospital or south towards the A11. I feel genuinely sorry for people who live in Weston Longville and everyone else who suffers with traffic problems. I hate those narrow busy roads and I understand why many people think the Western Link will help them. But we can’t just keep on building roads. We have a climate emergency and it’s going to be a long time before all our vehicles are powered by green electricity (I’m currently watching people object to a planned solar farm near Reepham “because it will harm the environment”). Even electric vehicles will still create traffic jams, noise and pollution. Instead we need better public transport and development planned with buses and bikes in mind, which at the moment is happening piecemeal and badly. Roads generate traffic, and we have to stop thinking that just one more road will make everything all right. In addition, the environment of the Wensum valley is particularly sensitive and would be gravely damaged by the proposed route, whatever mitigation measures might be put in place. As I understand it, the legal protection for the barbastelles means that this development is simply not allowed. Why can’t we grasp this, instead of complaining about “unelected bodies” and “the will of the people”? Stop the Western Link now, and spend this huge amount of money on something more useful. Goodness knows there are enough candidates for that.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 115

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 150

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

For what appears to be very little long-term 'real' benefit (marginally shorter journeys, at least until traffic increases), this proposed road will do untold harm to the local wildlife - in many cases nationally or even internationally important wildlife sites. In our very 'concentrated' little country, our green spaces, and what lives in them, are under huge pressure - this project appears to be a choice in which we have less harmful alternatives. I urge the rejection of the current proposal - and encourage a fresh look at alternatives that can achieve a better balance.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 116

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 147

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
all three!!
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 117

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 151

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
It will destroy this rare bat colony, disrupt wildlife and ruin the landscape. Bigger roads will simply mean more cars - creating more creating pollution.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 118

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 152

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 119

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 153

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
Norfolk’s pride is our beautiful wild spaces…what will be left for our children if we don’t speak up now and stop this disregard for our beautiful habitats, rare wildlife and scenery!
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 120

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 154

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Destroying animal habitat and increased pollution

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 121

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 155

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
I am very concerned that this road development will cause irreversible damage to rare and indeed endangered species, as well as rare habitats such as chalk streams and ancient woodlands. Whilst the argument that this road will be 'good for the economy' the truth is we won't have an economy if we destroy the natural world and leave our children and all generations to come little more than an industrialised concreted-over wasteland. Future generations will look down on us, and curse us, because once a species become extinct it is lost for all eternity - no amount of 'net biodiversity gain' or tree planting schemes will ever, ever bring them back - in particular I refer you to the status of the barbastelle bat and other rare species. The UK is already one of the most wildlife-impoverished nations on Earth, not least because we continue with staggeringly ill-advised projects such as the Norwich Western Link. This projects reflects a deeply impoverished, narcissistic and self-absorbed world view of which we should be deeply ashamed. We are but custodians for future generations yet to come and cannot fail them, though they be yet unborn. I urge Norfolk County Council to cancel this project and to consider sustainable, nature friendly transport solutions that will not wreck our beautiful world.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 122

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 157

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
The proposed road would be disastrous for wildlife, and in particular the super-colony of rare Barbastelle bats. As well as costing an extraordinary amount of money in times when essential budgets are being cut, we should not be creating new roads, but investing in sustainable transport.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 123

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 158

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

All concerns outlined by wildlife experts are valid and I support their scientifically informed expertise on this issue.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 124

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 159

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
The unmitigated loss of raw Norfolk countryside.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 125

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: 160

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

I am concerned that legally protected species in the Wensum valley are at risk because of the Norwich Western Link road. Council proposed mitigation measures will not work as evidence has shown us. The UK should remain committed to cutting carbon and meeting climate targets.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.