
Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 22

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 41

Representation Summary:

Firstly, this appears to be a colossal waste of money to just save 5 minutes journey time; it is also a habitat that should be protected rather than torn up and the money would be better spent investing in public transport and making cycling in Norfolk actually safe.

Additionally, it is unclear from the reams of documents whether feedback from local residents affected by proposed road restrictions have been addressed - the people of Barnham Broom are going to have their direct access to Wymondham cut off, forcing us to use a much longer route, or a single track route that is usually more mud than tarmac, and is also further.

The restriction of access to Wymondham along Barnham Broom road at all times will add traveling time for visiting Wymondham for shopping, visit the GP and pharmacy, and to care for my elderly mother, add journey times and therefore costs for school buses for Wymondham High academy and taxis arranged by the travel and transport team, and will put off visitors to the business on that road who will be unsure whether they have legitimate use of that road.

Why not permit users whose vehicles are registered in affected villages like Colton and Barnham Broom, and those registered in Wymondham too, to have unrestricted access to this road, or simply restrict access at rush hour rather than making it a blanket one size cudgels all approach? You are trying to stop people cutting through Barnham Broom and Wymondham to the A11, but are punishing the locals in the process.