
Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 18

Received: 12/06/2024

Respondent: 37

Representation Summary:

I wish to protest In the strongest possible way at your proposal to build this enormous white elephant . It will do nothing to help rat running and just create a new inner zone Northof the city to be then filled with Burger King Drive ins and Costas on every roundabout and new build cramped and expensive housing estates . This is not progress it is fundamentally flawed based on the premise that developers can make the local economy more robust . None of the existing development on the route of the existing bypass has good public transport links . Bus services North of the city are abysmal forcing more and more commuters in to cars . Reducing Traffic congestion . What a joke . The carbon footprint building the road is enormous and its use even more so. As for the destruction of one of the most important chalk stream habitats in Europe and the colossal destruction of bat colonies whoever developed this scheme obviously has absolutely no idea how important the Wensum Valley is for the ecosystem and the people who live in it . Mitigation of natural destruction is not one of the strong points of the County Council or its contractors . Witness thousands of dead saplings on the existing bypass . Which certainly do not replicate a habit of ancient trees established woodlands and river banks .
I live in South Norfolk in the Waveney Valley and my road is d sad inject to rat running by local traffic . The solution is not to build more roads but get people on to buses and out of cars .
On a final note Norfolk residents are already deeply suspicious of the tendering process with the same companies popping up to do the work time and again . And if you think Drive in McDonald’s are the future for Norfolk when people come on Holiday to get away from Urban sprawl then you are on the wrong side of history.