
Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 25

Received: 14/06/2024

Respondent: 50

Representation Summary:

I object to this application due to the massive amount of reasons which make it unviable.
The Norwich Western Link will provide no relief at all for traffic at Longwater or Queen’s Hills. In fact, the traffic using the link will contribute to congestion at pinch-points on the A1270 Broadland Northway (the ‘NDR’) – including the Horsford, Airport, North Walsham and Wroxham junctions.
Following claims by a local MP and others who said that the Norwich Western Link would save up to 20 minutes in emergency response times, SWL asked East of England Ambulance Service Trust for the data. They responded: “It is likely that blue light journeys will remain unchanged as there is less impact from traffic congestion.”Which makes complete sense - especially when Norfolk County Council figures for time saved on many journeys, by even the average motorist, who don't tend to have flashing lights and sirens, is around 5 minutes.
The project will have a massive impact on the environment, for a very marginal gain, if any gain. We must decrease vehicle dependency in order to have any chance of complying with our own laws. New roads will not help. Loss of mature woodland and biodiversity will also increase pollution rather than helping to reduce it. The money should be invested into public transport to get make it more accessible and effective to the population, which will do a better job or reducing congestion than building more roads. The costs of this project are already spiraling, and will only get worse.
On top of this, the Wensum valley is a rare chalk stream habitat. The proposed road will run through a super colony of barbastelle bats, and skirt close by maternity roosts, doing irreparable damage. The Wensum valley contains numerous other endangered species. Is it worth destroying these habitats for the sake of millions of pounds of taxpayer money and a road section of little benefit?
A large numebr of organisations, charities, and individuals are against this project.
It is time for change. We cannot keep proceeding in the same way as the past. We need to act quickly to protect and ensure the longevity of ourselves, our surroundings, and our planet.