Application Form Redacted

Showing comments and forms 181 to 210 of 1929


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 186

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: 222

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
damage to a protected species
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 187

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: 223

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
Protecting the future of ecosystems and threatened animals is far more important than building another road!
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 188

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 224

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

The habitats in the Wensum Valley and surrounding hills are especially important for a rare species of bat, the barbastelle. Barbastelle bats require large and connected foraging areas to the places where they breed. The intricate connection of dark old woodlands, floodplain meadows and rivers have provided a rich landscape that recent scientific research has found holds the country’s largest known breeding population.

The law already protects the barbastelle bat because it is declining across the world. The road would destroy the heart of breeding colony woodlands. The fragments of habitat left behind would be in an extremely poor condition because of other impacts of the road. These include:

Light pollution from vehicles and streetlights Noise pollution Worse air quality from pollution given off by vehicles Vehicles using the new road would also hit the bats who continue to use the landscape as they attempt to cross the road. These combined impacts could lead to local barbastelle bats becoming extinct, with heartbreaking consequences.

The road will harm other wild residents in the area including bats, badgers, and owls because of pollution and collisions

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 189

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: 225

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
It is a direct danger to the habitats of a variety of wildlife, including the most important conservation area of a rare species of bat, the barbastelle bat. It would also be detrimental to other species; birds like the yellowhammer, beetles, and mayflies. Chalk rivers and woodland areas are essential to our landscape, not only for providing habitats for endangered species but for protecting our environment and the natural ecosystem, and should not be sacrificed for the interest of 'human convenience'. If projects like this road go ahead, destroying more and more of our wildlife, it will have a huge negative impact on the ecosystem, and in turn the climate. I strongly oppose this proposal, and believe other environmentally friendly solutions should be considered, for example: restoring the old existing railway lines. This is a personal concern, since I live in the surrounding area.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 190

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 226

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Our precious wildlife has never been under so much pressure. Humans can no longer go on taking priority over the natural world. Nature must be protected from road builders and vast housing developments that will inevitably follow.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 191

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: 219

Representation Summary:

Norfolk is losing wildlife at an accelerating rate. This is no time to destroy precious habitats. Chalk streasm are rare, unique in terms of the variety of creatures that they shelter and feed. The ancient trees are irreplacable. A sapling will not provide shelter for wildlife for many years and only then if it can be kept alive. Many of those recently planted never survuived their first year.

If the road goes ahead, the loss of habitat plus the carbon released from building the road will substantially increase Norfolk's carbon footprint. This road is not worth the cost to the environment. It may save a few minutes but it will contribute to a poorer quality of life.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 192

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 227

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Endangering the bats

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 193

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: 228

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
Humans need to remember that we share this planet with others. Bats are important to the health of the earth. A roadway, not so much.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 194

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 229

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

The UK is already struggling with a lack of biodiversity, Norfolk is home to a lot of areas that help maintain a lot of our important native species - we should be focused on helping and improving these areas and expanding them, not replacing them with roads. What Norfolk needs isn't more roads but actual functioning public transport and additional funding to existing train lines which could aid in these missing transport connections but currently do not.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 195

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: 230

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
A large colony of bats is going to be impacted by this road project.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 196

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 231

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

These rare bats should be protected, we already have many protected sites for animals and this is no different

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 197

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: 232

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
This project is clearly going to cause irreparable damage to a protected species. We have a duty to protect them and their habitat - please reject this proposal and save the bats.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 198

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 233

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

It's harming many native and wild species. This can have a terrible knock on effect on many things like the climate.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 199

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 234

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
The area of natural beauty and important habitats are too precious to be spoiled by the western link project. Our environment in Norfolk needs to be protected for the benefit of both the species that live in it and the people who live here.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 200

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 235

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Concerns about the impact on barbestelle - there is not viable mitigation and such an impact cannot be compensated for in the case of barbestelle

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 201

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 236

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
Humans need to be more accountable for the effects we have on our planet so we can repair the damages we’ve already done.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 202

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 237

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
As a scientist that works at Norwich Research Park, the science suggests that we need to reduce our carbon footprint and protect our wild spaces and conserve wildlife, this road is doing the exact opposite of that. I also live on one of the rat runs that people use daily to get between the NDR and Southern bypass, I'd rather keep the traffic on my road than see you carve up the countryside any further. Climate change is real and it needs to be taken seriously.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 203

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 238

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

The damage to this bat colony has implications for the wider ecosystem, as well as the species as a whole. This is road is extremely ill advised, and alternatives should be pursued.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 204

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: 239

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
More concrete & tarmac over low lying land causing flooding when its needed to take runoff from neighbouring areas.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 205

Received: 21/06/2024

Respondent: 240

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I cannot understand why you are going against all our environmental laws for this road - there has to be a better way - please think again and consult more with those who value our environment.
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
This plan goes against all our environmental laws and puts wildlife at grave risk.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 206

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 241

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
i don't want the bats to get hurt :(
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 207

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 242

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

I am concerned that disrupting major sections of habitat will have devastating consequences for the rare bats that depend on it and disrupt the entire ecosystem, at a time when climate change is already a severe problem.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 208

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 243

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
If this road gets built, there will be bats in danger. And bats are very important.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 209

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 244

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

I am concerned about this project having a negative impact on the local environment.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 210

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 245

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
This will harm UK's LARGEST and RAREST bat colony. Bats help pollinate plants being the 3rd largest pollinators in the world behind bees and butterflies.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 211

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 246

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
The destruction of rare bat species cannot be allowed to happen. There is a finite number of these animals and if they become yet another British animal relegated to extinction, you will be to blame. There are better solutions to transport issues.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 212

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 247

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

This road project could seriously hinder the Barbastlle bat colony. When hunting, bats strongly prefer trees to fligh over instead of open air. This is to stay out of the way of preditors. Taking down trees and installing a road could cut off many of the bats' hunting routes or even seriously hinder their capacity to hunt in the first place. The noise from this road could also mess with their ecolocation, making hunting even more difficult. Furthermore the light from lanterns along this road will chase bats off as they like hunting in the dark and stay away from light sources. In short, creating this road would severely impede bats from hunting (and therefore eating) and would the existence of this big colony impossible.

Bigger wildlife like deer, foxes, hogs, rabbits etc would also be negatively affected as their habitats shrink. This fragmentation eventually forces animals to cross dangerous roads while looking for a healthy mate because their own gene pool has gotten too small. You will be forced to build bridges for these animals, which will be additional costs you might not have the funding for.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 213

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 248

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Disruption to local wildlife, placing threatened species at risk, destroying important habitat are all concerns shared by myself and others locally.

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 214

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 249

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .

I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.

Destroying protected species like the barbastelle bat with no way to repair or replace damage

We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.


Norwich Western Link

Representation ID: 215

Received: 20/06/2024

Respondent: 250

Representation Summary:

Please accept this email as an individual objection to the Norwich Western Link Road planning consultation, reference FUL/2024/0022 .
I am extremely concerned about the effects the planned Norwich Western Link would have on wildlife and habitats on the proposed road route and the surrounding area if this project is allowed to go ahead. I agree with local experts that these road plans pose a serious risk to rare and legally protected wildlife and that the predicted benefits are far outweighed by the national importance of the area for wildlife.
More roads are not the solution. It is proven that they simply lead to more car journeys. We can't sacrifice any more of our wildlife to the motor car.
We are in a biodiversity and climate crisis and consenting this proposal would be a serious blow to national nature and climate recovery. Nature really needs our help and must be put at the heart of important decision-making to secure a prosperous future for us all.